Los Angeles Colocation Data Center

Leverage the Power and Reliability of our Colocated Data Centers and Accelerate Your Digital Business with data center solutions from LinkSecured.

Gain a Competitive Edge with Los Angeles Colocation Services

Our Los Angeles colocation data centers boast equipment, security, and scalability to give your business the tools and resources to cost-effectively grow without worrying about infrastructure needs.

Reach your audience in virtual milliseconds and improve user experience while increasing conversion rates and enhancing web applications.

Los Angeles Data Center and Colocation Locations:

Specifications and Certifications
  • 4 Levels; 288,000 sq.ft.
  • Flood Zone: Outside 100 year flood plain
  • Seismic Rating: Zone 1
  • Utility Power Capacity: 27,000 (kW)
  • UPS Power Capacity: 10,370 (kW)
  • UPS Redundancy: 2N
  • Max Power Density: 250 (W/sq.ft.)
  • DC Power: Available
  • Generator Power Capacity: 18,000 (kW)
  • In Room Cooling Redundancy: N+1
  • Heat Rejection Redundancy: N+1
  • Cooling Plant Redundancy: N+1
  • Membrane and Reinforced Concrete Decking
  • Roof Rights Available – ICB
Floor Loading
  • 125 (lbs/sq.ft.)
Fiber and Building Entry
  • Multiple Diverse Entrances
  • 24×7 Onsite Security Personnel
  • CCTV with 90 day backup
  • Biometric / Photo Badge Access
Remote Hands
  • 24x7x365 2 hr. response time
Certification / Compliance
  • SOC 2
  • SOC 3
  • SOC 2 Mapping: NIST 800-53, HIPAA, and ISO 27001
Specifications and Certifications
  • 30 Levels; 662,000 sq.ft.
  • Primary Power Capacity: 21 (MW)
  • AC (UPS available)
  • DC (Battery backup available)
  • Permanent stand-by generator
  • Reliable pre-action water fire suppression system
  • 4,400 ton N+1 centralized condenser water plant
Fiber and Building Entry
  • Six primary points of entry
  • Diverse fiber risers inside building
  • 24x7x365 manned security
  • Card-controlled access
  • Locking cages and cabinets
Certification / Compliance
  • CCPA, HIPAA, GDPR, ISO 27001, PCI DSS, NIST 800-53, and SOC

Los Angeles Data Centers – The Heart of Any Modern Enterprise

In today’s digitally-driven age, data centers offer security and more, including:

  • Dedicated and managed hosting
  • Scalable rack space
  • Disaster recovery
  • Lighting fast network resources
  • DDOS Protection
  • Private suites and locked cage space
  • Uptime guarantee
  • Physical security and secure connectivity
  • Reliable data storage that powers and supports demanding web applications
  • Remote hands
  • State of the art data center features
  • Direct access
  • Enterprise customer rates
  • Knowledgeable staff and support
  • Cloud Services
  • Managed Services
  • Unlimited Rack Space & Cage Space

Server Colocation in Downtown Los Angeles for Complete Control of your business

Server colocation refers to the practice of deploying and hosting a server owned by a business or organization within a managed data center owned by another party.

Doing so enables your organization to have complete control over your server and services, including but not limited to applications, data, and operating systems. In contrast, the data center takes on an MSP (managed service provider) role, taking care of the physical space, setup, power and redundancies, and network resources.

In other words, we act as your MSP, maintaining, monitoring, and managing the space your server resides. At the same time, you control the server virtually by way of a VPN or internet connection.

Server colocation allows you to tap into our enhanced IT support, expertise, and service without incurring the often high costs of establishing your own data center.

From physical security to backup services and power redundancies, we’ve got you and your customers covered.

Why Choose Colocation located in a Los Angeles Data Center?

Downtown LA, or DTLA, is the business district of Los Angeles. DTLA has distinct neighborhoods and districts, many of which overlap. Many communities are named, reflecting the particular activities concentrated there either in the present or the past. For example, there is the Arts, Fashion, Civic Center, Theater, Banking, Toy, and of course, the famous Jewelry district. Here, you’ll find the hub of the city’s urban rail transit system as well as the LAX Airport, Pacific Surfline and the Metrolink Commuter Rails for Southern California.

Since the early 2000s, Los Angeles area and DTLA has experienced a renaissance as more buildings are being restored near the Staples Center, which anchors the downtown corridor’s south end and Broadway. In addition, many of the pre-war buildings are also being restored for repurposing, including turning them into luxury condos, co-working businesses, as well as for high-end retail purposes.

Why do businesses use colocation space?

Colocation is a desirable option to give businesses access to innovative data and hosting solutions otherwise only achievable with expensive on-premise data centers. This approach to server allocation offers affordable remote computing presences across key target geographies and within strategic locations unique to operations.

Among the key driving factors behind why businesses choose our Dallas colocation are enhanced performance, improved compliance, and reduced or optimized costs.

Data centers are expensive and require in-house expertise and knowledge that many organizations don’t have the time or resources to invest in. In addition, they can take years to build and cost upwards of tens of millions of dollars to get right. From purchasing the physical location to permits, specialized equipment, and installation of WAN fiber, costs can add up quickly. Throw in the price of property taxes, ongoing electricity, backup generators, security, and maintenance, and it’s simply out of reach or not cost-effective for many organizations.

And that’s just for one single location. What if your operations dictate that you have server locations in multiple states, regions, or areas around the globe?

This is where colocation shines, enabling businesses to capitalize on all the benefits of having their own data centers around the country or globe without the immense expense of building and maintaining their own.

Expenses of colocation are broadly inclusive, with recurring service fees covering the data center’s costs and profit, allowing you to better forecast expenses and never have any surprises to your bottom line.

Cost Savings Overview:

  • Eliminate expenses related to local computing facilities
  • Reduce the need for establishing new data centers with each needed location
  • Can replace remote IT deployment and regional branch/offices
  • Centralized resources can aid with the efficiency of operations, management, and scale

With a single data center, the risk of catastrophic service disruption is just one power grid failure or significant disaster away. In addition, fires, storms, power surges, earthquakes, floods, terrorist attacks, and more can all bring data centers crashing to their knees.

Redundancy is the gold standard for handling disaster recovery scenarios and preventing disruptions due to data center mishaps, downtime, or disasters while offering an affordable way to plan for the unforeseeable by offering backup or ‘standby’ applications and websites in the event of a catastrophe.

Similarly, collocated data centers can be used to offload computational loads during high peak hours of service or when unforeseen demand outpaces available resources.

Tap into a wealth of knowledge backed by decades of experience and experience an accurate solutions-minded approach that helps you get more from your servers: unparalleled support from industry-leading experts who have your best interests in mind.

Servers in traditional data centers are fixed assets. However, business needs are anything but static, with evolving demands changing over time. This can leave a traditional data center setup either underutilized, wasting resources, or overutilized and stretched to capacity.

Colocation in Los Angeles can alleviate this problem, with additional space or servers ready for expansion at a moment’s notice, enabling you to remain agile no matter what the future holds in store.

Modern business moves at the speed of data. In an era when digital performance can make or break an organization’s operations and competitive edge, speed and reliability matter. Colocation enables businesses to establish a localized digital presence across critical markets, improve performance for local customers/clients/users, reduce network congestion, eliminate frustrating latencies, improve connectivity, and improve the overall experience with your digital properties and applications.

Performance Benefit Overview:

  • Reliable local connectivity
  • Enhances user experiences with digital apps and products
  • Eliminates frustrating latencies
  • Reduces network congestion

Businesses around the world face increased regulatory rules and regulations regarding service to local markets. This can impact the way digital applications and properties are promoted, used, and offered and how user and other data are managed and secured.

A single data center might not satisfy data residency requirements for some market segments or geographical regions. Colocation enables compliance-minded organizations to more easily follow the rules they are subject to, meeting the prevailing regulatory needs of individual nations or subsets of the market they serve.

We believe in transparency and clarity on all of the services we offer. You get what’s on the box/label, and we stand behind each of our service packages with an industry-leading guarantee.

Have custom requirements or require an SLA? Reach out to our team, and let’s create something that meets your unique needs and exceeds expectations.

Colocation + Cloud = Enhanced Disk Space at Lower Costs

A Colocation center offers many advantages that you can’t achieve with cloud service providers alone. For example, maintaining compliance can be a monumental task in the cloudy-computing world of today’s cutting-edge technology landscape. Still, there are plenty who meet strict requirements for security and accuracy while also working hard at meeting your needs as well. Getting all these great things going on their own would take time away from what matters – using up precious resources like money or staffing to ensure customer satisfaction never suffers.

1U Colocation

  • Starting Price: $99/month
  • Includes: 1U up to 4U, 2 amp of 110v power, 100Mbps unmetered Internet connection
  • Optional: Out-Of-Band IPMI port and IP $3.95/mo

Partial Rack Colocation

  • Options: 1/4, and 1/2 rack
  • Starting Price: $399/month for 1/4 rack
  • Includes: 8 amps of 110v power, 100Mbps Internet connection on GigE port

Full Rack Colocation

  • Rack Size: 42U and 44U options
  • Starting Price: $699/month
  • Includes: 20 amp 110v power, 100Mbps Internet connection on GigE port

Private Cage Colocation

  • Options: 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10 racks
  • Power Options: 20 or 30 amp 110v, 208v, or 220v
  • Redundant Power: Available upon request

Custom Suites

  • Designed For: Clients needing more than 10 racks, additional workspace
  • Power Options: Redundant 110v feeds, 208v feeds

Diverse Pricing Plans for Specific Needs

  • 1U, 1Amp 120v, /29 & 100Mbps burst to GIGe: $75/month
  • 2U (up to 4U), 2Amp 120v, /29 & 100Mbps burst to GIGe: $99/month
  • 10U, 10Amp 120v, /29 & 100Mbps burst to GIGe: $399/month
  • 20U, 20Amp 120v, /29 & 100Mbps burst to GIGe: $599/month
  • 44U, 30Amp 208v A&B, /28 & 100Mbps burst to GIGe: $1299/month
  • Upgrade to 1G unmetered bandwidth $150/mo
  • Upgrade to 10G unmetered bandwidth $899/mo
  • Private Fiber Cross Connects to providers available
  • SOC 2/3, PCI-DSS, HIPAA, compliance available
Rack Space Bandwidth Network Power IP Space
1/4 Cabinet
100MBps Port
10 AMP 120V
/29 (5 Usable)


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1/2 Cabinet
100MBps Port
20 AMP 120V
/28 (13 Usable)


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Full Cabinet
100MBps Port
20 AMP 120V
/27 (29 Usable)


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Looking for Los Angeles Data Centers?

At Linksecured, we combine world-class service with cutting-edge technology and hardware to bring you unparalleled performance, expertise, and reliability to the south central united states, one of the most robust communications markets.

We offer a broad range of options tailored to adapt to your needs, from dedicated servers to colocation and VPS Hosting.

Dedicated Servers in Los Angeles

Experience the power and robust performance of a dedicated server, custom-suited to scale. Get more from your resources with an Intel Xenon-powered server, optimized and ready to tackle any challenge you throw at it.

Rapid Provision and Full Control

Time is money, and we waste none of it. Our dedicated servers come with ‘rapid provision’ enabled, your server becoming instantaneously available for OS installation immediately after order approval.

Navigate the intuitive management control panel with ease, providing complete control and access to everything that matters, from self-service of OS installations to IPMI management, rebooting, evaluation of bandwidth usage, and full IP KVM access. 24/7/365.

Every Dedicated Server Comes Standard with:

  • Premium Bandwidth Blend
  • 1G/10G Ethernet and Fiber ports
  • cPanel/WHM available
  • Free remote reboots
  • BGP announcements
  • IPv4 Addresses
  • IPv6 Addresses
  • IPMI VLAN for Out of Band Management
  • 100MB Unmetered
  • DDOS Production
  • Managed Support Available
  • Zero Setup Fees
  • Remote KVM
  • IPMI/DRAC Available

VPS Hosting

Are dedicated servers a bit too much? Check out our selection of VPS hosting solutions, blending power and affordability to handle your data computing and web applications on a budget.

As-Needed Computing Power

Skip the complications and limitations involved with hardware installations and experience the power of the cloud, purchasing computing power as needed. Then, with a multitude of options and performance configurations available, choose what works best for your needs and budget.

Each of Our VPS Cloud Servers Comes with:

  • A generous 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Impressive Dell hardware
  • Lightning-fast gigabit network ports
  • 1 IP
  • 10+ OS system options
  • Complimentary OS installs
  • Anytime upgrade capability
  • Free root password resets
  • 24/7 support

Linksecured Los Angeles Colocation Hosting Has You Covered

Performance. Reliability. Security. Scalability. Support from your cloud service providers.

We have everything your organization needs to stay competitive in today’s complex and challenging market. If you have questions or need help choosing a package, please reach out to our team for assistance. We love talking shop and are eager to learn more about the challenges you face and how we can help you overcome them.